alarm clock


alarm clock 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a clock with a bell or buzzer that can be set to sound at a particular time, as to awaken someone.

alarm clock 近义词

n. 名词 noun

clock that wakes sleeper

alarm clock 的近义词 4

更多alarm clock例句

  1. As an added bonus, it includes an alarm clock so travelers with early departure times won’t have to depend on wake-up calls or the natural body clock.
  2. Others, freed from their alarm clocks, “are now getting more sleep and feeling more rested,” Epstein says.
  3. The alarm clock setting uses a gradual natural light sunrise feature that helps trick the body into a more natural wake up over a 30 minute period.
  4. B8ta offers shelf space to unique digital products, such as electric skateboards or a coffee alarm clock, on behalf of brands that want a physical presence.
  5. Every new supplement or sunrise alarm clock or mattress is another potential sponsorship.
  6. France 24 is providing live, round-the-clock coverage of both scenes as they progress.
  7. On Christmas Day, sometime after dark, a hideous fire overtook the venue: 100 firefighters, 33 fire trucks, a four-alarm blaze.
  8. The airline industry objects that sometimes these deployable recorders can pop out without cause, spreading needless alarm.
  9. Truth be told, there is no one better at capturing the agony and alarm of a woman in the throes of a nervous breakdown than Moore.
  10. The wine cellar—one of the best in the world—survived World War II and is guarded around the clock.
  11. The night wore on, and the clock downstairs was striking the hour of two when she suddenly awakened.
  12. Some of the alarm returned, however, when the creature attempted to climb up by his own ladder.
  13. The clock struck ten, and clerks poured in faster than ever, each one in a greater perspiration than his predecessor.
  14. There is cause for alarm when they bring one hundred and ten ships into these seas without any means of resistance on our part.
  15. As it came near, it proved to be the clock, with a sail hoisted, and the Goblin sitting complacently in the stern.